I really wish I'd done more today as far as the bookmaking homework goes. But the couch soon coming to our pile of crap we call a living room argues differently. It begs to have an organized space to come to, clean of dust bunnies and random bits of paper, including Christmas wrapping under the old bookcases. I have come to the realization that we own far too many things.
Anyway- homework. I'm having what we will call "glue issues" right now. I'm not actually sure it is glue issues, because it could also be the stiffness of the paper. For some reason it won't bend around the book cover board in a good wrap, even with the special bone folder tool. High quality paper, but not as bendable as I'd like.
The content of the books is percolating in my brain. I almost want to do a third book by Monday.
I'm ambitious, but not smart.
I always swallow more than I can chew.
We'll see how it sits on my stomach.
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