February 15, 2007

Running on Battery Power

So today I learned something about cutting mattes. "Always wrap the board with something to transport it." Apparently my portfolio is slightly grimy, which might have caused me to ruin my $18 sheets of Museum Board. Also "Use a scrap piece underneath to cut your boards- so you won't get that shaggy edge." Double Durr.

So at least I won't have to go buy new board, as long as most of the grime comes up with a white eraser.

Also, I glued the binding in my miniature book, and pounded the edges round, and filed the corners. Here's a little video of that.

All this is brought to you by me passing my shop test! I am a bona-fide craftswoman, now!

Tomorrow I meet with my adviser and also I must go to the store where they sell wood so I can buy lengths for framing.

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