February 7, 2007


Today my bookmaking teacher was out sick. Which meant a couple of things.
1)I got to go early, and went out to dinner with my mother at a sushi resturant.
2)Nothing important happened today, except me cutting my paper for the book project.

I've got a concept in mind, and am working on getting it nailed into a story or a linear script to follow.

"The Greek word pharmakon poses a quandary for translators- it is both a remedy and a poison. In the proffering of a pharmakon, (...) its true meaning- a harm and benefit."

My books (A pair of them) will both be called Pharmakon- meaning an invention which can be used for either good or evil. It is interesting to note that the original translation means cure and poison, and was applied liberally to the concept of the written word. Which is to say, the ancient Egyptians, and to some extent the Greeks, believed text to be a vessel for good or evil information...

This has an interesting application to modern thought, especially in regards to Blogging. It allows everyone to have a way by which to publish to the outside world, and this is not really new, "blogging" is gaining attention as a legitimate reporting media. The source may not be purely factual, and even if it is, I'm sure there are some facts (in this case I'm thinking of pornography) that some populations should not be exposed to.

In any case I think the largest fault possible in regard to the written word is taking it as literal fact when that was not the writer's intention.

Case in point: Galaxy Quest.

You thought I was being all dead serious with a point, didn't you?

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