This image-heavy post is more or less in chronological order.
I'm not getting much in the way of straight instruction from this class, just mostly a LOT of practice. Which also helps.
This is from Figure Painting, of course. I like this short pose painting better than the others that came out of the longer pose. I think tomorrow I will move my easel.
My Mother has always been very understanding of my artwork. Well, perhaps not understanding, but at least abiding. I think she looks forward to the day I have a figurative show instead of an abstract one.
Note to self- Do not supply extravagant or "dinnerlike" food to gallery openings. People vanish with your pizza slices without even stepping inside the show's room, much less thanking you. Mom swung to the rescue with a bunch of burgers from Burger King, which also thankfully disappeared. I didn't know she was off to buy probably $20 worth of food, but she did and appeared with a grin and burgers.
Do those Burger king chicken pieces look like exaggerated chicken feet instead of crowns? It does to me. Thanks, leftover parts of chicken..